Home Learning
Nursery/Reception Home Learning - Friday 10th January 2025:
Continue with the Fred Games, a fun and simple activity to practice sounds: https://www.ruthmiskin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Fred-Games-4.pdf
- Review Set 1 and Set 2 sounds. You can follow the RWI video links here:
- Additional phonics practice: Balloon Phonics CVC Game
- Watch the Numberblocks series on BBC iPlayer, which aligns with the Mastering Numbers program from NCETM:
- Number blocks on iPlayer https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b08bzfnh/numberblocks
- Further resources for math learning:
Thank you so much for your continued support in helping the children with their learning!
Best regards,
Year 1/2 Home Learning - Friday 10th January 2025:
Year 1/2 links for home (10.1.25)
These games, videos and PowerPoint links can help support your child’s home learning today. Any additional reading you could do with them, would be fantastic and very beneficial.
Year 1 – phonics, maths and writing
Year 2 – phonics and maths
Both – curriculum
Year 3/4 Home Learning - Friday 10th January 2025:
SPaG- Perfect present tense
Lesson: Perfect present tense | KS2 English | Oak National Academy
Hit the button (times table game)- Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds
Place value basketball- Place Value Basketball - Dienes Game for 5 to 8 Year Olds
Subtraction grids- Subtraction Grids - Topmarks
Login to your TT Rockstars account and get involved in the boy’s vs girl’s competition set by Mrs Garnett.
Writing- Rich vocabulary associated with clever or sly words
Lesson: Rich vocabulary associated with clever or sly words | KS2 English | Oak National Academy
Follow the lesson plan and then choose a Disney villain you would like to write about and describe. Can you use the words you have learnt within this session to describe them as much as possible and explain why.
Geography- The formation of mountains
Lesson: The formation of mountains | KS2 Geography | Oak National Academy
Once you have completed the lesson. Can you complete some research to find the biggest mountain in the world?
Select a celebrity or famous person that inspires you. When you have your significant person in mind, complete some research about them.
E.g. where were they born? What year was it? Where did they go to school? How many siblings do they have? Are they still alive? What was their job? Why and how do they inspire you?
Year 5/6 Home Learning - Friday 10th January 2025:
Maths - Y6 (Lots of units/lessons to access for revision)
Maths, primary, Year 6 - Unit listing | Oak National Academy
And a reminder to continue accessing TTRockstars and completing the challenges I have sent.