At Bridgewater Park, we believe in early identification of special educational needs which is done through a variety of SEND specific screening tools and procedures in place for staff to raise concerns at the earliest stage. It is vital that we are able to build on what the children already know and so every child’s attainment will be assessed on entry to school so that the foundations during the child’s pre-school years can be built on. If a child has already been identified as having a special educational need in their Early Years setting, then the class teacher and SENDCO will use this information to:
- Provide starting points for the development of an appropriate curriculum
- Identify the correct provision and support for a child
- Use assessment processes to identify any learning difficulties
- Ensure ongoing observation and assessments and provide regular feedback about the child’s achievements and experiences to form the basis for planning the next steps of the child’s learning to secure good outcomes
Based on the graduated approach at Bridgewater Park Primary, the first response to any concern about a child’s learning is making small adaptations to quality first teaching. Where the child’s progress continues to be a concern, the class teacher will share their concerns with a colleague and make further adaptations to their teaching practice. If there is still no, or very limited, progress being made, then together with the SENDCO, assessments will take place to determine whether the child has special educational needs and whether this means that they should be placed on the register as SEND support. All teaching staff are alert to difficulties which may emerge as the child develops and will take this into account. In addition to this, class teachers have the opportunity to discuss pupil progress and achievement at pupil progress meetings with the Head of School and SENDCO. This provides opportunity for discussion around pupil progress and to consider if there may be any SEND that have not yet been identified.
Bridgewater Park supports parents and carers to share their concerns about their child’s development. If a parent or carer has concerns, then they should be logged with the child’s class teacher in the first instance. If the difficulty persists then the class teacher will share this with the SENDCO who may complete some further assessment and investigation of the child to see if there is any SEND which has not been identified.
During this process, the school will not delay in putting into place extra teaching or rigorous intervention designed to accelerate their learning. The child’s response to this may also help to inform the identification of SEND.