Our Governors
The Governing Body of Bridgewater Park Primary School is a body of up to 9 members. Its purpose is to ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction, to hold the Principal to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff, to oversee the financial performance of the school, making sure that money is well spent.
If you would like any information about the governing body, please contact the chair of governors by emailing: office@bwp.theheathfamily.org.uk
Our governing board 2023 2024
Jodie Webster (trust appointed) - Chair of Governors
Jodie is a trust-appointed governor and chair of the Resources Committee for Bridgewater Park Primary School. Jodie has worked for Lloyds Banking Group for over 10 years and has experience in Finance and Data Protection. She lives in Runcorn and has a young son. Jodie is very passionate about sharing her skills and expertise within the local community.
Bethany Jones (trust governor)
Melanie Pitt (trust governor)
Melanie has worked in Primary schools and Nursery schools for over twenty years. She has taught in every phase over that time and has been a leader in most of the key stages. She has taught in several authorities and has held responsibility for English, Maths, Science, IT, PHSCE and assessment. Currently, she works for School Improvement Liverpool as a School Improvement Officer. This role involves delivering consultancy, training and professional development across the North West and beyond delivering a wide range of highly effective, quality-assured services to schools and education providers with the aim of supporting and challenging them to achieve the best possible outcomes for children. She lives with her two teenage sons and her sidekick ‘Barker’ (her extremely loyal dog!)
Christine Boyd (staff governor)
Christine has been a governor for over 10 years at Bridgewater Park Primary School and has recently become a staff governor. Christine has worked at Bridgewater Park since 2013 as a teaching assistant. Christine was an ex-pupil at Bridgewater Park and all three of her children have been pupils here too. In her spare time, she likes to spend quality time with her three children. She often supports her son who is a member of the GB Taekwondo junior squad, travelling the country and around Europe whilst he competes.
Cheryl Read (parent governor) - Wellbeing
Lily Davenport (staff governor)
Governors who have resigned within the last 12 months
Melanie Wharton (Parent Governor) - term of office 23.11.21-13.03.23