School Uniform
The Staff and Governors of the school expect pupils to have pride in the uniform they wear. When parents accept a place for their child at Bridgewater Park, it is expected that they will fully support the agreed policy on school uniform.
Whole School Uniform
- White shirt
- Grey pinafore, skirt, trousers or shorts
- Purple and green striped tie
- Purple v-neck sweatshirt or cardigan
- Grey socks or tights
Summer Uniform
- White polo shirt (school logo optional)
- Grey pinafore, skirt, trousers or shorts
- Purple gingham dress
- Purple v-neck sweatshirt or cardigan
- Grey socks
- White T-shirt or polo shirt (with or without the school logo)
- Purple/black shorts or black leggings/ jogging pants
- Black pumps or trainers
Other Requirements
- Black school shoes are to be worn at all times (no trainers unless for PE).
- Small hair accessories are allowed (no large bows or coloured braids).
- No jewellery or accessories.
All branded uniform is available from Touchline Embroidery:
Telephone: 01925413777