Year 1/2
Welcome to Year 1/2's class page!
Class Teacher: Miss L Davenport
PPA Teacher: Miss S Lee
Class Novel: The Magic Faraway Tree - Enid Blyton.
PE Day: Wednesday.
Homework and Spellings: Given out on a Friday and due in the following Friday.
Home Reading Phonics Books: Given out on a Monday and due in on the Friday.
Home Learning: If you are looking for some extra work to do at home, take a look at the websites below. There are a range of fun activities for you to do.
- phonics play
- phonics - Topmarks Search
- Oxford Owl for Home: help your child learn at home - Oxford Owl
- bbc bitesize - ks1
- bbc games - karate cats
- Key Stage 1 Maths - Topmarks Search
If there is any other information you require, please contact the school office.