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Young Leaders

A huge congratulations to our 2024-25 BWP Young Leaders! All pupils who were elected for the Leader Roles demonstrated great tenacity when making their pledge, and were chosen by their classmates to take on their new responsibility. We look forward to seeing what the Young Leader Groups achieve this year!

Student Leaders: Jessica and Alfie (Y6)

“We are excited to have been elected as this year’s Y6 Student Leaders. We are looking forward to sharing our ideas for school fundraising events and helping to organise them.” – Jessice and Alfie

School Council: Edward and Maggie (Y1/2), Summer and Harvey (Y3/4), Hope, Ella, Noah C & Shannon (Y5/6)

“I am happy to be a School Councillor because I get to help show visitors around our school, help to organise school events and be a great role model for all the other children.” – Hope

Eco-Council: Elena and Toby (Y1/2), Harrison and Lola (Y3/4), Eugene and Summer (Y5/6)

“We are excited to be Eco-Councillors because we want to save the world. We will help to keep our school tidy so that everyone is happy here.” – Elena

Our pupils are excited about taking part in the Global Ocean Trawler Challenge, thanks to the British Ironworks.

Students will aim to fill their trawler net with the most crisp and confectionery packets so they can be in with a chance to host ‘Coral’ the clownfish!

We are ready for the challenge! 

Librarians: Kaiden and Steven (Y3/4), Lexie and Esme (Y5/6)

“I like being a librarian because it is fun putting all the books in the right places in our school library, and I get to wear a badge to show everyone my job.” – Kaiden

Play Leaders: Imogen, Iris, Jennifer, Kenzie, Nathan and Harley (Y3/4), Lucas and Oldy (Y5/6)

“I am enjoying being a play leader because I get to set up games for the younger children in EYFS to play which makes them happy. I make sure that everybody is safe.” - Harley

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors: Leah and Emily (Y1/2), Ella and Thomas (Y3/4), Charlie and Scarlett (Y5/6)

“I like being an anti-bullying ambassador because I get to keep people safe and tell teacher when someone is sad. I have an important job because if someone is afraid of something and they don’t know who to tell, they can come to me.” - Ella

Junior Safety Officers: Joseph and Deacon (Y5/6)

“I’m glad I was chosen to be a Junior Safety Officer this year because I will help all the children to stay safe in school. I will help to teach the younger children about fire safety and stranger danger.” - Deacon

Pupils standing togethertwo smiling pupils standing together